$40.00 USD or more

Learn to hear worship music by ear ($40):

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Purchase the FULL Vocals course!

Permanent access, no subscription required.

By the end of this course, you'll know:

 How to unlock your voice to sing with power & authority 

  The fundamentals of vocal technique made simple & easy to understand, such as breathing, dynamics, diction, pitch, etc.

 In-depth demonstrations of good & bad technique so you can apply concepts & self teach

 Advanced tips for tight harmonies, killer vocal trios, engaging stage presence, effective leadership & deep spiritual maturity

 And much more!

  Includes 170 min. video run time, 170 multiple choice quiz/test questions, 24 paragraph-answer critical thinking questions & 3 posts. 

  Ask questions via comments

(Used in multiple courses:  7 min video, 6 quiz questions & 3 posts.)

Your credit card will be charged immediately after you checkout.

If you're not satisfied for any reason, get a full refund within 90 days.