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Purchase the FULL Drums course!

Permanent access, no subscription required.

By the end of this course, you'll know:

 How drums can be broken down into very simple components, making it easier to learn than you might think!

 The essentials of stick control, foot control & rhythm

 How to count rhythms, time signatures & break down a beat so you can learn beats by ear

 Many common beats, progressing from very simple beats to complex beats

 How to play with dynamics & lead your team through the map of songs

 Advanced tips, such as playing in compound time signatures, best practices for multi-drummer setups & more!

 Ask questions via comments

  Includes 180 min. video run time, 166 multiple choice quiz/test questions, 24 paragraph-answer critical thinking questions & 3 posts. 

(Used in multiple courses:  10 min video, 6 quiz questions & 3 posts.)

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