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Purchase the FULL Worship Leadership and Theology course!

Permanent access, no subscription required.

By the end of this course, you'll know:

 How to become a worship leader (or team member!) that worship teams LOVE to work with

 How to identify whether you're called to worship ministry

 Gospel-centered theology to lay the foundation for ministry effective leadership (cross-denominational)

 How to coach your team to greater quality while helping them feel valued & encouraged

 How to plan awesome worship sets, administration, job seeker tips and more! 

  Includes 319 min. video run time, 303 multiple choice quiz/test questions, 27 paragraph answer critical thinking questions & 2 posts. 

  Ask questions via comments

(Used in multiple courses:  2 min video, 6 quiz questions & 2 posts.)

Your credit card will be charged immediately after you checkout.

If you're not satisfied for any reason, get a full refund within 90 days.